Fleet Tech Tips: Tires Affect Fuel Efficiency
Tires Affect Fuel Efficiency
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There are several factors that affect fleet efficiency and the amount of fuel used to get from one destination to another. 

Make Tires Fuel-Efficient

There are several factors that affect fleet fuel efficiency and the amount of fuel a vehicle will use to get from one destination to another. 

One of the main elements that affect fleet fuel life and efficiency are tires. According to the American Trucking Association, underinflation by 20% results in a 30% reduction in tire life. Underinflation drastically reduces fuel efficiency while proper inflation reduces the flexing, build up, and stress on tires that lead to fuel waste. Also, if any of the wheels on a truck are not properly aligned, the total drag on the vehicle increases, wasting fuel. Each wheel position contributes a portion to the total rolling resistance. Drive tires and trailer tires account for over 85% of total rolling resistance, so keeping these properly aligned and inflated is key to keeping tire strength, prolonging tire life, and fuel efficiency. 

According to the American Trucking Association, underinflation by 20% results in a 30% reduction in tire life. 

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 5% to 15% of U.S. fuel consumption is related to rolling resistance. Just a 5% improvement in a truck’s rolling resistance, translates to an estimated 2% less fuel. This may not seem like a large amount, but for a business that spends $600,000 on fuel each year, could see a savings of $12,000 annually. 

FACT: Replacement tires are the 3rd largest expense category after maintenance and fuel. 

These days, all tire companies offer ‘fuel-efficient’ tires, especially for fleet vehicles. If you are the person in charge of purchasing your fleet’s tires, you should do your research. Remember to read customer reviews and compare prices to fully ensure you find the right tires for your fuel-savings needs. 

Download our fuel management product sheet today.

 Matt Aspinwall is a manager of solutions engineering at IntelliShift, bringing more than 10 years of experience working in the telematics space. He aims to impart fleet asset and operations management expertise to help enterprise leaders leverage business intelligence to garner total operations excellence. 




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