Managing Your Most Dangerous Tool with the Pest Posse
Erin celebrates building the fleet community with 50 episodes and 11K followers on LinkedIn [Podcast]
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[Podcast] Erin on Pest Posse TV, Managing Your Most Dangerous Tool


In this episode, Erin Gilchrist Rugg, VP of Fleet Evangelism at IntelliShift, speaks with Foster Brusca of Pest Posse TV. This conversation was recorded for a pest management audience but facts are facts and this conversation is good for all fleet types! They talk about what goes into fleet management and how vehicles are the most dangerous tool that employees are ever given.

Ready to Hear the Stories that Will Make You Agree

This conversation will have you taking a second look at how your putting your fleet’s safety first. A few key points in this episode include: 

  1. Why organizations should view fleets as a critical tool and revenue driver
  2. How building for safety in your fleet helps everything else will fall into place
  3. What is happening that distracted driving is still the biggest factor in accidents

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Power Up Your Fleet Management with The Straight Talk on Fleet

Subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts and connect with Erin on LinkedIn. You’ll be joining a thriving fleet community, gaining the edge you need to run a successful fleet.

  • Actionable insights:Gain practical strategies and proven tactics directly from industry leaders like Erin, equipping you to tackle everyday fleet challenges with confidence.
  • Connect with your peers:Be part of a vibrant network of fleet professionals just like you. Collaborate, share best practices, and learn from each other’s experiences.
  • Shape the future of fleet safety:Have your voice heard! This is your chance to contribute to the conversation and help shape the future of safety and efficiency in fleet management.
  • Together, we rise:Break down barriers and work alongside fellow fleet managers to keep your fleets safe, effective, and moving forward.


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