1/6/2020 IntelliShift Client Launch Webinar Transcript
Erin celebrates building the fleet community with 50 episodes and 11K followers on LinkedIn [Podcast]
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Slide 1: Title


(Katherine) Good Q&A Morning everyone and thank you for attending today’s webinar; Silent Passenger Solutions Optimized Within IntelliShift Platform

My name is Katherine, and I am a marketing specialist here at vehicle tracking solutions and I will be your moderator today.

Slide #: House Keeping

Before we begin, I wanted to cover a few housekeeping items.

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You can click on the “Q&A” widget at the bottom and submit your question, if you have any during the webcast. We will try to answer all questions at the end of the webcast

If you are listening to this webcast ‘on-demand’ and have questions, please feel free to still submit your questions via the “Q&A” widget and a fleet management specialist will respond with 24hrs.

If you have any technical difficulty, please click on the Help Q&A widget. It is located at the bottom of your screen and has a question mark icon.

Also, if you are having issues seeing the slides Please download adobe flash and make sure you refresh after you download.

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