For Fleet Safety Technology, Choose a Partner Not a Vendor 
Erin celebrates building the fleet community with 50 episodes and 11K followers on LinkedIn [Podcast]
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Any experienced fleet leader will vouch that true fleet challenges are not solved in a single pass. They are layered and intertwined with other departments with multiple points of view (or lack thereof) causing confusion, delays, or other impacts on moving forward with progress. Adding more people to solve challenges is tricky, particularly for outsiders. This is where we challenge leaders to choose a partner, not a vendor, for their fleet safety technology needs. 

The Power of Partnership  

Dare we suggest that vendor is a bad word? It implies the bare minimum; someone that provides or sells something but nothing more. Imagine a box of devices showing up at the door and the success of their installation up to you? A supplier relationship may go beyond the product and have a longer run, but there is still room for much more. But a partner? A partner is with you through the thick and thin. In the case of business, a partner should bring strategy and solutions to the table. With time, a partner can graduate to a strategic advisor where they are so engrained in your operations, they are practically reading your mind.  

  • Shared goals and commitment: Partners are invested in your journey, not just the initial sale. Together, you can work in lockstep to accomplish your vision, mission, initiatives, and goals. They are a true extension of your team. 
  • Proactive problem-solving: Partners don’t wait for issues to arise. They dig deep to anticipate potential challenges and work with you to develop preventative measures or swift solutions based on a strategy 
  • Continuous improvement: The partnership fosters a culture of ongoing progress. Partners actively seek ways to optimize processes and identify opportunities for better performance. 

By choosing a partner over a vendor, you gain a dedicated team with whom you can navigate the road to success. At IntelliShift, not only is a US-based customer support team available but so are customer success managers to get to know the ins and outs of each account.

A Partner for Fleet Safety Technology 

Crafting Winning Policies and Processes 

We understand the complexities of creating and implementing effective safety policies. Leveraging our 20+ years of experience, we’ll be your sounding board, reviewing your documentation and offering expert feedback. Together, we’ll craft a clear implementation plan that seamlessly integrates our technology with your existing processes and policy templates. This ensures a smooth transition and empowers your team with the tools they need to succeed. 

Expert Implementation for Seamless Integration 

Our team of seasoned project managers and installation experts will handle everything from hardware installation (telematics and AI dash cams) to configuration. We’ll work closely with you to define the events you want to track, integrate existing data sources, and personalize advanced driver scorecards and alerts for your team. Our focus is on minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency throughout the setup process. 

Training and Best Practices 

In the early stages of implementation, we’ll provide comprehensive training tailored to different team members, ensuring everyone understands how to leverage our technology and platform effectively. This training will be aligned with your documented policies, creating a cohesive learning experience. Furthermore, we’ll share industry knowledge and best practices designed to optimize both cost savings and safety within your fleet. 

Measuring Results 

We believe in results. Our team will work collaboratively with you to establish clear performance benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs) that demonstrate the value of our partnership. We’ll then create custom dashboards and scorecards to provide real-time visibility into individual and team performance against those KPIs. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions and continuously optimize your fleet operations. 

Ongoing Support 

Your success is our success. You’ll have a dedicated US-based customer success manager to act as your partner, helping you leverage the full potential of both your program and the IntelliShift platform. Through regular business reviews, we’ll collaboratively assess performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure every branch has the support and training needed to achieve their goals. All of this is in-house; your team is a single phone call away. 

Straight Talk on Fleet Podcast Episode 25: Customer Experience; My Vision of a Successful Partnership.


The Bottom Line: A Stronger Fleet, A Stronger Business 

Imagine afleet safety technology that delivers on all fronts: reduced costs through optimized operations and fuel efficiency, improved safety through proactive driver monitoring, and increased compliance that keeps you ahead of regulations. But the benefits go beyond just the numbers. Our partnership empowers your drivers to excel with data-driven insights, ultimately leading to enhanced performance and better decision-making for your entire fleet. Ready to experience this transformation? Book a demo today and see how IntelliShift can help you build a stronger, safer, and more successful fleet. 

Download Your Roadmap to an Optimized Fleet Operation and Safer Drivers

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