IntelliShift Revolutionizes Fleet Management and Safety for Its Customers Across Industries
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Customers offer extraordinary testimonies of transformational safety improvements after implementing IntelliShift’s AI dash cameras

IntelliShift, the connected fleet intelligence platform for safety and operations teams, has been instrumental in transforming the fleet management and safety practices of its customers, demonstrating extraordinary outcomes in enhancing fleet safety. The impact of IntelliShift’s technology echoes across its diverse customer base, underscoring its significance in today’s evolving fleet management landscape.

Day & Nite, a commercial refrigeration, kitchen, and HVAC services company operating throughout the east coast with a fleet size of 145 vehicles, was challenged with reducing rear-end accidents and enforcing safety policies. By partnering with IntelliShift, they implemented AI video dash cameras for in-vehicle coaching and, in six months of use: 

  • Reduced rear end accidents by 75%
  • Decreased in-cab phone usage by 90%
  • Increased safety scores by over 80% 

“To make an investment like this to protect our work family as well as our business was a no-brainer,” said John Glover, director of fleet safety at Day & Nite. “AI dash cameras have reduced our accidents and increased our safety to levels we didn’t think were possible. It’s become something our drivers want to work with.”

Fox Electric, an electrical contractor operating out of Arlington, TX with roughly 180 vehicles, turned to IntelliShift for a solution to integrate a robust safety culture into its operations. The AI dash camera system from IntelliShift allowed them to clearly define distracted driving policies and create a more effective driver coaching program. In just six months of utilizing the IntelliShift solutions, Fox Electric reduced vehicle accidents by 85%.

“With our fleet exposed to heavy traffic, accidents were a constant concern. IntelliShift’s ease-of-use and comprehensive reporting capabilities have been game-changers,” said Tommy Parker, operations manager at Fox Electric. “Employee safety is not just a priority – it’s an attraction and retention strategy. There’s a trickle-down effect in terms of driver safety, creating a multi-generational safety culture. The video system has opened our eyes to the reality of what happens on the road.”

Paraco Gas, a propane delivery and service provider operating across multiple states and running 280 vehicles, faced the challenge of balancing growth with safety. Partnering with IntelliShift enabled Paraco Gas to achieve operational efficiency, consistency, and the highest safety standards for new and existing employees. With the implementation of IntelliShift’s AI dash camera, Paraco Gas reduced accidents by 53%.

“As part of our post-incident safety review, we have begun to require supporting video footage of each incident to give our review team a true sense of the conditions, the driver’s body language and the factors leading up to the incident,” said Scott Tucker, manager of process at Paraco Gas. “This allows us to properly coach that individual driver and determine if process changes and additional coaching are required for everyone operating in our fleet.”

These achievements are made possible by the quality of IntelliShift’s technology, the dedicated customer service team’s ability to train and demonstrate what success looks like, and the customers’ effective internal programs, incentives, and healthy competition, that help change driver behavior.

“These success stories highlight the immense value of our three-pronged approach to fleet safety and management,” said Kyle Ulaszek, VP of Customer Success at IntelliShift. “We are proud to partner with our customers and empower them to create safer roads for all, as we continue on our mission to help them achieve zero at-fault accidents.”

“IntelliShift has an excellent product with wonderful customer support. It’s a pleasure to work with a company that is as passionate and accommodating as we are,” continued Glover. “This is a partnership that I don’t ever want to break.”IntelliShift provides the connected fleet intelligence platform for safety and operations teams, empowering companies across various industries to make the shift from ineffective fleet management tech stacks, broken processes, and siloed teams to a consolidated platform that unifies organizations seeking to be among the safest and most efficient fleets in the world.

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