Driving Innovation: Insights from IntelliShift’s New CEO, Henry Popplewell
Erin celebrates building the fleet community with 50 episodes and 11K followers on LinkedIn [Podcast]
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[Podcast] Driving Innovation: Insights from IntelliShift's New CEO Henry Popplewell

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In this episode of The Straight Talk on Fleet, Erin Gilchrist looks closely at what it means to bring value to customers and the marketplace through conversation with new IntelliShift CEO, Henry Popplewell, who is set on driving innovation.

Are You a Fleet Leader Who is Hesitating on Safety Technology?

From telematics to artificial intelligence, the right technology can improve fleet safety and keep a business competitive.

Challenges faced by fleet managers such as driver safety, rising costs, supply chain disruptions, and sustainability concerns, aren’t going anywhere soon. Join us as we welcome Henry Popplewell, IntelliShift CEO, for a conversation on how fleet technology comes into play with addressing these challenges head on.

If you have a fleet that has not yet adopted technology or perhaps have only gone as far as telematics, this episode is for you. Get the big picture of safety, efficiency, and compliance that will help you begin your journey.

Power Up Your Fleet Management with The Straight Talk on Fleet

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  • Actionable insights: Gain practical strategies and proven tactics directly from industry leaders like Erin, equipping you to tackle everyday fleet challenges with confidence.
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  • Shape the future of fleet safety: Have your voice heard! This is your chance to contribute to the conversation and help shape the future of safety and efficiency in fleet management.
  • Together, we rise: Break down barriers and work alongside fellow fleet managers to keep your fleets safe, effective, and moving forward.

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