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In the News: Tech Talks Daily Podcast with IntelliShift – The Tech Connecting Vehicle and Asset Operations

In episode 1604 of the Tech Talks Daily podcast, host Neil Hughes interviews our CEO, John Cunningham. In the interview, “Intellishift – The Tech Connecting Vehicle and Asset Operations,” they discuss how technology is changing the role of fleet operations and fleet safety managers – and how it’s enabling new levels of safety, efficiency and customer service.

Bringing the technology to life, John discusses the importance of connected vehicle and asset operations, gives use cases that highlight the business value IntelliShift solutions deliver to its customers and speaks to new technology trends that are transforming driver safety and reducing business costs – like AI video dash cameras.

John also shares his origin story, relaying how he got involved in tech and interested in fleet efficiency – ultimately leading to his founding of Vehicle Tracking Solutions (VTS) and IntelliShift.

Listen to the full episode on the Tech Talks Daily website – or find it on Apple podcasts or your podcast platform of choice.