Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Fleet Management with Ken Jack
Erin celebrates building the fleet community with 50 episodes and 11K followers on LinkedIn [Podcast]
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Lauren Epler

In the latest episode of Straight Talk on Fleet, Erin Gilchrist Rugg, our VP of Fleet Evangelism, goes deep into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with industry veteran Ken Jack. With over 30 years of experience in the transportation and fleet industry, Ken—founder of KenetIQ—knows a thing or two about what it takes to stay ahead of the curve. 

Get ready for an episode packed with actionable insights and real-world stories from two of the fleet industry’s top minds. Erin and Ken dive headfirst into the world of AI, exploring how it’s reshaping fleet management, safety, and operations. They also tackle the big questions—like the risks and rewards that come with embracing AI in your organization. 

“AI is going to be a new tool in the toolbox,” Ken says, and he’s spot on. Those who master AI will gain a significant edge, leveraging data-driven insights to supercharge their operations. Here’s how AI is already making waves: 

  • Smarter Safety with AI Dash Cams: These aren’t your typical cameras. AI-powered dash cams focus on what matters—helping you coach and reward drivers for safer behaviors, not just monitoring them. As Erin puts it, “We want event-based information to help coach drivers, even reward drivers to drive better.” 
  • Cutting Down Admin Time: AI tackles the heavy lifting—sifting through mountains of data to deliver actionable insights—so you can focus on what really matters: driving your fleet forward. 
  • Cross-Organizational Impact: AI isn’t just for the IT team. It’s transforming operations, safety compliance, customer service, and more. It’s time to think bigger about where AI can fit into your strategy. 

But let’s keep it real—AI isn’t a magic fix-all. “Nothing is ever free… AI isn’t going to magically fix structural issues,” Ken warns. That’s why it’s critical to ask the right questions and ensure AI solutions align with your goals. The potential is massive, but so is the need for thoughtful integration. 

As AI continues to evolve, fleet leaders who embrace these changes will be the ones to redefine success. “Leadership will be redefined over time,” Ken notes, and those who adapt will be the ones driving the industry forward. 

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